What to Get Rid of When Moving

What to Get Rid of When Moving

Moving is a great time to go through items and belongings and decide what to keep and what to get rid of, donate or simply throw away. Purging is good not only for your move, but your mood as well, keeping stress at bay. Here are a few suggestions from Attention to...
5 Tips on Properly Managing Moving Stress

5 Tips on Properly Managing Moving Stress

Even if you’re excited and looking forward to your move, that doesn’t mean the process isn’t without more than a little stress. Not only is Attention to Detail Moving here to help with the physical process of the move, we’d like to offer five tips to better handle the...
5 Safety Tips For Moving Furniture

5 Safety Tips For Moving Furniture

While it’s understandable to dread the moving process, it’s a process you’re better off diving into headfirst rather than drag your feet. When it comes time to move furniture, it’s vital you make sure you do so the right way both to avoid injury and to make sure your...
Preparing Your Child For A Move

Preparing Your Child For A Move

As you’re getting your house ready for your move, take out some time to prepare your kids for the transition. The reason it’s essential you get your kids ready is because they might not understand the reasons for moving, or they simply might not want to move. Use...
Packing Tips for Busy Moms

Packing Tips for Busy Moms

Packing for a move can be stressful enough as it is, but adding kids into the mix can make the task feel like a herculean effort. Busy moms often need a bit of help when it comes to getting everything, including their kids, taken care of and ready for the move. Here...