How To Create Your Own Packing Timeline

Trust us, we understand how stressful moving can be. From sorting through your stuff and hiring an affordable moving company, to packing up your items, the process can take a toll on you, both financially and emotionally. That’s why it is critical to create your own packing timeline well before the big day arrives. Take full advantage of the following generalized packing deadlines, and use them to formulate your own packing schedule.

One Month Prior to the Move

Giving yourself four weeks to pre-pack helps you get in gear for your moving marathon. A general rule of thumb to follow is to pack up all of the items you won’t need for awhile, including out-of-season clothing and shoes, heirlooms, home décor items, and seasonal tools, such as fishing rods or shovels.

You should also use this time to junk, donate, or sell any unused or unwanted possessions.

3 Weeks Prior to the Move

Now is the time to find long-distance movers, if you are moving to another state. You should also pre-pack items that you won’t need for a couple of weeks, including books, electronics, spare bedding and linens, and extra kitchenware.

2 Weeks Prior to the Move

Now, the real fun begins. With the pre-packing out of the way, it’s time to concentrate on the items that you use on a semi-regular basis, including office supplies, jewelry, work apparel, and children’s toys.

7 Days Prior to the Move

Do you feel the stress building? If you have fallen behind schedule, enlist the help of your friends, family, or a moving and storage company in Los Angeles. You will also need to pack the remainder of your items. This typically includes the possessions that you use on a regular basis.

When you create your own packing item list, you can make the moving process a lot easier and more stress free.

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